Holidays from 250+ countries!

Biggest database of Public Holidays with official sources!

allPublicHolidays is currently the biggest directory of public holidays around the world! We have curated a total of 5500+ states across 250+ countries ranging from Afganistan to Zimbabwe.

All the data has been scraped from official government sites periodically and, they are updated as soon as possible.




We are two computer science students who wanted to make things a little easier for everyone. We constantly found that since COVID every one worked in different timezones and countries across the world. And there was no clear state holidays available freely. So, we went throught 250+ countries, and 5500+ states, found official sources on the government websites and curated this All Public Holidays data. We are still adding more countries and states as we go!

We at All Public Holidays aim to help people find public holidays information easier with a single click. We plan to spend at least 20 hours every week between both of us to update and maintain this website. Please write us here if you find any outdated information, or if you just want to say Hello!